If you have been told something different, please call: 720-445-5345
**Please note: as of 3/13/2020, all group visits are now conducted via telehealth. Individual appointments use MyHealthConnection, and groups use Zoom to conduct telehealth appointments**
NES Clinic Flow
How did you end up here?
Before arriving in our clinic, most people will have experienced seizures which don’t respond to medication. These are often called refractory seizures. After meeting with a neurologist, a referral for a prolonged electroencephalogram (EEG) with or without video (vEEG) is usually placed either in an epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) or sometimes at home. The vEEG is the gold standard for diagnosing NES. After diagnosis, people may be referred to the FND Clinic at the University of Colorado Hospital.
So, now what?
Rest assured, you are in good hands. You have reached a diagnosis, which is often a very challenging and confusing process. If you have been referred to our clinic you will be entering a supportive and accepting community with a focus on your treatment, your health, and improving your quality of life. The schematic below will walk you through the structure of our clinic with the three most common pathways.
Each treatment pathway is color coded and flows chronologically down the page. Hover over a treatment step to reveal details. Please note: our providers will decide with you which specific treatment pathway is best suited to your needs.
Color Key

Most Common Plan

2nd Most Common Plan

Custom Plan

Neurologist Intake
Neurologist Intake
- 60 minute appointment with neurologist
- Discuss:
- NES diagnosis
- EEG findings/DVD of seizure
- Other neurological conditions
- Results of questionnaires
- Seizure frequency/diaries
- Anti-seizure medications
Behavioral Heath Intake
Psychiatrist Intake
- 90 Minute appointment with behavioral health provider
- Discuss:
- NES diagnosis
- Other psychiatric conditions
- Medications
- Stressors and triggers for NES events
- Ability to attend group therapy visits and additional follow ups
- Consider treatment options based on questionnaire results
Create Treatment Plan
Create Treatment Plan
The NES team, with input from behavioral health and neurology providers, will decide which plan is best for you.
Most Common Plan
6 Week Group
6 Week Group
- Pychoeducational Group Treatment – 6 consecutive Fridays
- 5 weeks with group leaders and other patients
- 6th week multifamily session
- Learn more about your NES and what triggers may be leading to your events
- This group is structured with an agenda, homework, and seizure diaries each week
2nd Most Common Plan
6 Week Group
6 Week Group
- Psychoeducational Group Treatment – 6 consecutive Fridays
- 5 weeks with group leaders and other patients
- 6th week multifamily session
- Learn more about your NES and what triggers may be leading to your events
- This group is structured with an agenda, homework, and seizure diaries each week
- Plan differs with the addition of 12 week group – see below
Custom Plan
Discuss Plan
Discuss Plan
Some people have needs that are not met by participation in the 6 week or the combination of 6 and 12 week sessions. If this is the case you and your provider will work together to create an individualized plan.
3 Month Follow Up
3 Month Follow up
- 30 minute appointment with behavioral health provider
- Discuss:
- How treatment is going
- Begin developing discharge plan
- Any new developments
- Seizure frequency
- Results of questionnaires
3 Month Follow Up
3 Month Follow up
- 30 minute appointment with behavioral health provider
- Discuss:
- How treatment is going
- Begin developing discharge plan
- Any new developments
- Seizure frequency
- Results of questionnaires
3 Month Follow Up
3 Month Follow up
- 30 minute appointment with behavioral health provider
- Discuss:
- How treatment is going
- Begin developing discharge plan
- Any new developments
- Seizure frequency
- Results of questionnaires
6 Month Follow up
6 Month Follow up
- 30 Minute appointment with behavioral health provider
- Discuss:
- How treatment is going
- Seizure frequency
- Results of questionnaires
- Discharge plan
- Finalize plan for ongoing treatment and therapy outside of the NES Clinic:
- Establish psychiatry and therapy outside of NES Clinic
- Make appropriate referrals to outside providers
6 Month Follow up
6 Month Follow up
- 30 Minute appointment with behavioral health provider
- Discuss:
- How treatment is going
- Seizure frequency
- Results of questionnaires
- Discharge plan
- Finalize plan for ongoing treatment and therapy outside of the NES Clinic:
- Establish psychiatry and therapy outside of NES Clinic
- Make appropriate referrals to outside providers
6 Month Follow up
6 Month Follow up
- 30 Minute appointment with behavioral health provider
- Discuss:
- How treatment is going
- Seizure frequency
- Results of questionnaires
- Discharge plan
- Finalize plan for ongoing treatment and therapy outside of the NES Clinic:
- Establish psychiatry and therapy outside of NES Clinic
- Make appropriate referrals to outside providers
12 Week Group
12 Week Group
- 12 consecutive Fridays
- Help you understand more individual and psychological factors that may be playing a role in your NES.
- The nature of NES events are explored for the role they play in coping.
- Focus is placed on articulating traumatic experiences and changing unhelpful communication patterns.
- Family communication styles are often addressed in the 12 week group.
- Inter-group relationships often shed light on relationships in personal life, giving group members an opportunity to practice new skills in a safe and therapeutic environment